
Volume 3, Number 7 & 8

August 19, 2021

In this edition:

  • Prologue
  • Who is In Charge by Dave Gallus
  • A Crack in The Foundation by Herb Pinney
  • CRT: False Teaching by Chuck Wendler
  • Where Are The Prophets? by Herb Pinney
  • Biden’s Infrastructure Plan: Bloated and Unnecessary Spending for New Mexico by Dave Tofsted, Ph.D.
  • It Can Be Done by Herb Pinney
  • The UN is Not Our Friend by Bernadette Gallus
  • Our Navy and The Reefs of ‘Wokeism’ by Herb Pinney
  • China in Afghanistan? by Bernadette Gallus
  • Christians Caught In a Marxist Trap by Herb Pinney
  • A Parent’s Worst Nightmare: Critical Race Theory in Las Cruces Public Schools by Rick Reynaud
  • The Great What? by Herb Pinney

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