
Volume 2, Number 6

June 29, 2020

In this edition:

  • What is happening to our country by Linda Clavijo
  • Chick-Fil-A Offers Empathy… by Dave Tofsted
  • What is Tumbling Down by Herb Pinney
  • School Choice by Dave Gallus
  • Black Lives Matter by Bernadette Gallus
  • Confusion by Herb Pinney
  • A Moral Christian Dilemma by “Pennywhistle”
  • The Bridge by Herb Pinney
  • There Is a Plan by Chuck Wendler
  • ¿Que le esta pasando a nuestro pais? by Linda Clavijo
  • Mass Meetings in a Time of Epidemic by Dave Tofsted, Ph.D.
  • What is the Big Deal about the Government giving me money? by Linda Clavijo

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