
Volume 2, Number 5

May 27, 2020

In this edition:

  • Beware the Leftist Agenda! by Bernadette Gallus
  • To Be Brave by Herb Pinney
  • “Positive Peer Pressure” by Chuck Wendler
  • A Dangerous Planet (A Case for Fossil Fuels) by Herb Pinney
  • Security by Dave Gallus
  • Do you have a High Place? by Linda Clavijo
  • Where is our moral compass? by Michael Potts
  • Two HEROES Bills? by Bernadette Gallus
  • The ABCs of Perversion by Herb Pinney
  • ¿Tienes un lugar alto? by Linda Clavijo
  • Fifty Years of Destroying Public Education by Herb Pinney
  • Letter to the Editor

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