
National Day of Prayer Over the Mesilla Valley

April 30, 2021

Events for the week of May 2, 2021

Tuesday, May 4

The Faith, Family, Freedom Pray-lude Tour

Reclaiming the land known as Dona Ana County for Jesus. The Book of Amos speaks of a famine in the land — a Spiritual Famine. Via vehicle, a prayer team will visit various sites within Dona County with overt signs of The Lord’s presence bringing Light to darkened communities. Satan will know he has been found out and is no longer welcomed. The Spirit of the Lord will be will be called upon to activate hearts and give voice to those who have ears to hear what the Spirit says to the churches — to become doers of the Word and not hearers only.

Wednesday, May 5, 6:30-9:00PM

NDP Night of Worship at the (Old) Armory Training Facility on Brown Rd. in Las Cruces

Join us for an evening of Praise and Worship as we prepare our hearts for prayer. “Part one” lifting our voices to Our Heavenly Father, honoring His name.

Thursday, May 6, 6:30-8:00AM

NDP Sunrise Service at the (Old) Armory Training Facility on Brown Rd. in Las Cruces

Join us a sunrise to continue the praise to Our father in “Part two” as we lift our voices to Our Heavenly Father asking for His Kingdom to come on earth as it is in Heaven.

Thursday, May 6, 11:30-2:00PM

NDP Mid-day Service at the (Old) Armory Training Facility on Brown Rd. in Las Cruces

Join us to celebrate our Life, Love and LIBERTY…as we start with Flag ceremony then into prayer for topic of focus. “Part three” of us lifting our voices to Our Heavenly Father, asking for our daily bread and forgiveness…

Thursday, May 6, 6:00-9:00PM

NDP Sunset Service at the (Old) Armory Training Facility on Brown Rd. in Las Cruces

Join us to close a day of focused prayer to Our Haevenly Father, in “part four” of lifting our voices asking God to lead us no to temptation, and deliver us from evil, as His kingdom should be honored and glorified forever and ever. This event is live and virtual on facebook live at National day of Prayer Las Cruces 2021.

Friday, May 7, 9:00-11:00AM

Downtown Las Cruces Prayer Walk 

As a group we will walk the length of Main Street (formerly the Downtown Mall) in Downtown Las Cruces. Along the way we will make several stops to pray over different areas of government and family.