By Linda Clavijo
There are many speculations as to where the COVID-19 virus came from and how it was released. The most prominent theory is that it came from a laboratory in China. The first news out said that it came from a wet market in China, later it was told that it came from one of the laboratories. There are those who believe that this is a beginning of government control. Dr. Buttar issues a compelling argument to believe that Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, the WHO, and CDC are releasing fake pandemic numbers. Even Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General of the US has decided to work with “real numbers” as it relates the COVID-19 pandemic. In his study, Dr. Buttar uncovers how researchers- back in 2015- were working on genetically modifying a naturally occurring version of the coronavirus into a completely unnatural version of itself. After many scientists said “There’s no good reason to do this kind of research”, the US government put a stop to these efforts. However, there is evidence to suggest that 3.7 million dollars was transferred from the US in 2015 to a lab in China to continue the work. This work is said to be supported by Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates.
I have read speculation that this is another way the democrats are trying to sabotage President Trump. If they can use this virus to “kill off” the most vulnerable, those who are baby boomers, this would remove a good number of the voters who support President Trump. This will also tank the economy, which in their minds will hurt President Trump at the polls.
I have also heard that this is a plague sent by God, a sign of the end of the world and the coming of Christ. I have considered that this is a possibility; however, I choose to think that maybe this is a mixture of all of the above.
I believe that there was some experimentation that got out of control and started a release of the virus. I do believe that there are those using this disease as a tool trying to control the upcoming elections, either by hurting their opponent or by being able to control the votes by voter fraud (mail-in voting). I also believe that God can take this and use it as a wake-up call to the church today. The church today has become very complacent in the job of making disciples. We have lost the “awe” of the presence of God. We use the sanctuary as just a meeting place instead of understanding that we should be taking off our shoes because this ground is Holy ground. David Platt says, and I am in agreement with him, “The government of a people is a reflection of the God or Gods they serve”. We as a church need to take time to reflect on who it is that we serve. Do we believe God’s word completely? Or do we only obey that which is in alignment with what we chose to believe?
The “lockdown” was to began on March 25th and go through May 3rd, exactly 40 days. The latin root of the word “quarantine” is “forty”. I have been searching out the word “forty” and the Biblical meaning to see if I can find a message for us.

When used in the Bible the number 40 was sometimes associated with testing, trials, probation. We find that the flood lasted for 40 days and nights. Moses was 40 when he killed the Egyptian, and spent 40 years in the desert. After which God selected him to be used to free His people. Moses was on the mountain to receive the ten commandments for 40 days. The people wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. The spies were in the promised land spying for 40 days and nights. When Israel disobeyed God, He gave them over to their enemies for 40 years. King Saul reigned over Israel for 40 years, as did David, and Solomon. Forty days after Jesus was born, He was presented at the Temple in Jerusalem for His legal purification. Jesus was in the wilderness fasting for 40 days. Jesus appeared for 40 days after His resurrection from the dead as witnessed by many of His disciples and others. These are just a few of the 157 times “40” is used in the Bible.
There are also those who believe that the number 40 represents “change”. That it is a time of preparing a person, or people to make a fundamental change. I believe that it can also be a preparation for the change coming. Jonah declared to Nineveh that in 40 days God would overturn the city that because of their sin, destruction was coming. For 40 days Ezekiel laid on his right side, to symbolize Judah’s sins. There are 40 days of lent, Easter, and 50 days later Pentecost (40 days that Jesus was present with the disciples after His resurrection plus ten days). I think that it is interesting that President Trump had originally wanted the churches to reopen Easter Sunday and now yesterday it was said that by memorial day or shortly thereafter we should be mostly out of this season. Pentecost Sunday this year is May 31. I will be watching to see what God is doing. I personally believe that a change is coming.
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There is no doubt in my mind that God is speaking to the Churches today. I believe that He is calling us to get out of the four walls of the church to do the job that He called us to do. We are to be the salt and the light in the world. I was reminded this week in a sermon I was listening to of the purposes of salt. Salt is a purifier; it is used to preserve food. But salt also causes thirst. Are you salt? Are you causing the people around you to have a thirst for the living water? Is your life serving to purify those around you? Maybe this is what God is saying to us today. We have the vaccine against something much more deadly than the COVID-19 virus. Sin causes eternal death, and we know the One who wants to give those who have that “virus” eternal life. Are you working as hard to share that knowledge as you are trying not to get the COVID virus? I do believe that it is time to start watching the Eastern sky for the coming of the Lord, but I also know that God does not want anyone to perish but for all to have eternal life. Perhaps like in the Old Testament when God told Abraham that for even just ten righteous He wouldn’t destroy Sodom and Gomorrah he is looking at us to intercede for our Country. During this time of testing and probation, will you let God speak to you and reveal anything in your life that is keeping you from being the salt of the world?