
Quad Facts

July 30, 2019

By Mr. Just T. Facts

No one who has turned on their TV or radio or looked at their cell phone feeds can ignore the ongoing back-biting by Reps. AOC, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib constantly attacking Pres. Donald Trump.  This past weekend was no exception.

NY Daily News reporters Jasper K Lo and Cathy Burke report AOC blasted the President Trump on Saturday, 20 July, saying his immigration policy focuses on “ethnicity and racism.”  I’ll continue with AOC’s remarks shortly.

For her part, anti-Semite anti-Israel Rep. Omar has called for passing a divest, boycott, and sanction (BDS) bill that would destroy Israel as we know it.  She has said that on 9/11 “Some people did something.”  Right, that would be the 19 people of her “Umma” (the Umma is the collective body of all people worldwide who self-identify as Muslims) who killed thousands of American citizens on American soil and destroyed two giant skyscrapers in the middle of downtown New York City, costing America over a trillion dollars in damage to our economy, igniting a war that cost the lives of several thousands more young Americans.

In 2015, before she was a US Representative, ISIS was on a roll and holding territory in Syria and Iraq.  Ilhan Omar, then a state representative, lobbied on behalf of “Minnesota men” (who were Somali immigrants) accused of trying to join the Islamic State. As Fox News reported the nine accused men faked passports for a plan to travel to Syria and fight for ISIS. They were arrested and Omar urged an approach of “inclusion and rehabilitation,” and light sentences.

“Incarcerating 20-year-old men for 30 or 40 years is essentially a life sentence,” Omar wrote to the judge. (And what about the men they planned to kill?)  “Society will have no expectations of the to-be 50- or 60-year-old released prisoners; it will view them with distrust and revulsion.” (And this is a bad thing because?)   Punitive measures, “not only lack efficacy, they inevitably create an environment in which extremism can flourish, aligning with the presupposition of terrorist recruitment.”  (Perhaps this extremism is occurring in the mosques in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area and the extremism in these mosques needs to be investigated.)

As for Rashida Tlaib, video recently emerged where she appears as a deranged protester at a Trump speech when then-candidate gave his economic policy speech on 08/08/2016 at the Detroit Economic Club.  Donald Trump Jr. summed up Tlaib’s off-the-wall actions this way: [Hillary Clinton] “called us “Deplorables.” Tlaib calls us “Crazy.” In reality we just love our country, want every American—no matter their race, religion or socioeconomic status—to have a safe & prosperous life & expect our leaders to put America First. It’s that simple.”

Or consider her calling Trump a “mother-f***r” in demanding he be impeached immediately after being elected. 

Home » Fresh Ink

Lunatic Fringe or Future of the Democrat Party?

GOPUSA StaffCheryl Chumley, Washington Times Posted On 7:40 am July 25, 2019


Rep. Rashida Tlaib, in a speech delivered from the floor of the House, likened the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel to America’s boycott of Nazi Germany.

And that’s just the latest of her madness.

Truly, Tlaib, in addition to having the distinction of being the first Palestinian American woman to win congressional office, is plugging right along to another notable title: Resident Crazy.

She’s rapidly becoming the lunatic fringe of the political world.

A video just surfaced of Tlaib being forcibly removed by security officials from a Detroit, Michigan, campaign event for Donald Trump in 2016, all the while screaming at the crowd, “You guys are crazy.” Not a good look for a member of Congress — even a Democratic member of Congress.

Then there was the MoveOn event Tlaib spoke at, just hours after her swearing-in ceremony in January of 2019 — in other words, her first batch of public words as a duly elected member of Congress. And did she talk about the honor of the office? Did she deliver a somber message about the responsibility she felt toward the Constitution? Did she speak about her duty to unite, not divide?


She said this: “When your son looks at you and said, ‘Mama, look, you won — bullies don’t win.’ And I said, ‘Baby they don’t, because we’re gonna go in there and we’re gonna impeach the motherf—-r.’”

Again — not a good look for a member of Congress.

Then there was the 2015 tweet that just resurfaced this week — thanks due to Donald Trump Jr. — in which Tlaib wrote this, above a Guardian photograph of Trump: “‘Deport this a–hole!’”

Nice. Very couth.

Then there was Monday, when Tlaib told an NAACP audience, “Yeah, I’m not going nowhere! Not until I impeach this president.”

And then there was this, her latest: Her likening of the anti-Israel BDS movement to Nazi Germany boycotts, or her latest attack on the nation of Israel:  “The right to boycott is deeply rooted in the fabric of our country,” Tlaib said, during House floor remarks aimed at opposing a resolution that condemns the BDS movement, Fox News reported. “What was the Boston Tea Party but a boycott? Where would we be now without the boycott led by the civil rights activists in the 1950s and ’60s like the Montgomery bus boycott and the United Farm Workers Grape boycott? … Americans boycotted Nazi Germany in response to dehumanization, imprisonment and genocide of Jewish people.”

Except the US did not boycott Nazi Germany.  In fact the US was a neutral country for over 2 years of World War II while Great Britain and the Third Reich were at war.  In fact, in 1939 President Roosevelt refused to allow a ship of 900 Jewish refugees aboard the passenger liner St. Louis escape Nazi Germany and the holocaust.  In fact, up to a quarter of those refugees were killed by the Nazis when the ship was forced to return to Europe.  Roosevelt also refused to use Air Force assets to bomb the rail lines being used to transport Jewish prisoners to the death camps.  Perhaps Tlaib and her fellow Democrats could keep straight their own party’s participation in denying refugees asylum from real life and death situations.

In reaction to such extremist statements, President Trump recently stated that these four should “go back” where they came from.  He immediately took fire from a number of quarters because not only was his statement crass and unnecessary, but also factually incorrect for three of the four were born in the US. After all, only Omar was born outside the United States. That said, I do believe Trump’s outburst was more out of frustration with their attitudes than with any seriousness in his actual desire.  He did, after all, only mean that they should go and fix what is wrong in the countries they feel a stronger attachment to than the US.  However, during a subsequent speech when the audience took up this same chant, for his part the President tamped this sentiment back down where it belongs. 

For my part, I think the President was reflecting more on the state of mind of these four than he was with their citizenship.  It appears as though they care more about foreigners than they do about citizens of this country.  AOC for illegals from central America; Omar for foreign-born Muslims; Tlaib for Palestine rather than our ally Israel.  More generally, the ideas and policies espoused by these women appear completely out of step with the ethics and morals of our country and more in line with the fascist/socialist/communist morals of the Soviet Union or Red China.

Here’s AOC again: “He’s putting millions of Americans in danger. That’s what the real problem is, it’s not about me, it’s what he’s telling people in this room and rooms across the country.”

How, exactly, is Pres. Trump putting millions of Americans in danger?  All he’s doing is calling out the statements of these freshmen congressmen who never learned decorum.  (Not that Trump knows much either, but as a New Yorker he’s not prepared to take “guff” off anybody.)  And despite AOC’s claim, it is about her.  There are plenty of Latina and Black congresspeople out there who do not personally insult the President on a daily basis. 

The Queens lawmaker also railed at the Trump administration’s separation of children from their families at the southern border, and called for “a 9/11 style commission.”

Actually, the separation of children was an Obama administration idea, and they are not being separated from their parents anymore.  The only children being held now are minors traveling unaccompanied or children separated from people who are not their parents.  But notice the subtle lie that is present in the above statement – where they’re being separated from “their families.”  This is the newest scam.  Children are being sent over with relatives other than their parents – aunts, uncles, etc.  This is just a new way to get around the system by recycling a child through each parent first, then aunts, uncles, etc.

AOC:  “Even if we do reunite the children, you create lifelong trauma after 48 hours. Some of these kids have been separated for a year. The United States is responsible for their lifelong trauma.”

The fact is these children did not need to come here.  They chose to come here of their own accord, or their relatives dragged them on a perilous thousand-mile journey.  They could choose to leave here of their own accord.  The facilities where they are being held were only meant to hold 4,000.  Instead they are holding 11,000.   These facilities are only meant to keep them from entering this country.  It is Democrats and their platoons of lawyer abettors who refuse to fix the asylum claims system and who seek to exploit every existing loophole in the system to flood the country with millions of low-skill non-English-speaking poor people.  And it is Democratw who refuse to fully fund Customs and Border Patrol to expand these holding facilities.

Ocasio-Cortez also doubled-down on her criticism of Customs and Border Protection officers at the Clint, Texas detention facility, where children were found to be without toothpaste, blankets or beds.

Said AOC: “It was that these officers felt so confident to break rules in front of their bosses … if this is how they’re acting when people are watching, then how will they behave when no-one is watching?” she said.

According to AOC we should be doing back flips to subsidize these people with toothpaste, blankets, beds, clothing, etc.  So perhaps we could ask this question: They didn’t have toothpaste, but they did have toothbrushes?  If so, what happened to the toothpaste?

Again, CBP was not set up to handle tens of thousands of people arriving at and staying indefinitely at their facilities.  This was a plan dreamed up by ACLU lawyers who venue shopped to find judges who would rule in their favor to force CBP into this untenable position.

She did, however, correctly blame the Obama administration for setting up this bad situation, for having “left all the trappings there, thinking that someone responsible would be in charge.”

Here what she meant by responsible was someone who would simply keep letting people go (Catch and Release into the US) and then they don’t show up for their hearings and were lost, such as when the Obama Administration lost track of 135,000 immigrants who didn’t show for their hearings and are now under deportation orders.  Apparently, according to AOC, responsible does not include actually following the immigration laws.

“This isn’t about building a better cage,” AOC raged. “It’s about not caging people at all.”

Again, these people are not caged.  There are no concentration camps.  AOC is lying.  These people, many of them children, could walk away tomorrow if they simply chose to go south.  Instead, they are demanding to get into this country as refugees when they refused to apply for refugee status when they entered Mexico.  Furthermore, many broke the law by crossing our border illegally.  And moreover many now owe the cartels thousands of dollars for supporting their transportation to our borders.  Why should we continue to provide a money making business for the cartels by supplying them an easy way of exploiting people?

This is not a matter of race.  AOC, for all intents and purposes, is white, whatever she may claim.  Nor is it a matter of color or gender.  No other Democrats are acting this bat crazy.  Take, for example, Beto O’Rourke.  He may be saying the same stupid stuff, but he’s not saying it every day and he’s not directly attacking the President with statements that are demonstrably false.  AOC is.  Likewise AOC first claimed we have only 12 years left before the world melts down because of climate change.  Supposedly we need to reduce our CO2 output by 50% or else!  Experts have estimated the costs of her Green New Deal at $90 trillion over a ten year period to do what she proposes!!  Then, once the push-back increased and criticism of the contents of her plan appeared (outlawing cars, trains running across oceans, no air travel, cow farts, etc.), she backtracked and claimed anyone who actually believed her was crazy.  (Guess that would include Beto O’Rourke.)

There are plenty of other congressmen who are dealing with real issues in their own districts or working on legislation to improve the lives of their fellow citizens.  They include men and women who are people of all different colors, who are not making fools of themselves in the news media on a weekly basis.  Yet we are daily inundated with the latest stupid statements from these three and constantly having to deal with their off-the-wall positions.  How long, O Lord, will we have to put up with these extremists?  And when, oh when, will Democrats come out and denounce these simpletons?