Publishing Policy

It is our desire to provide a fair and civil forum for all points of view on the hot button subjects in Doña Ana County, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Washington D. C., and all places in between. As we have room we will print well written and documented essays and civil letters to the editor. Editorial policy is that essays and letters are to stick to one topic and be no more than 600 words in length. We require all letters and essays be accompanied with full correct name, U. S. mail address, and daytime phone number. When we publish your letter or essay, we will publish only your name with the publication.

Since we open our writing to your critique, we reserve the right to critique your thoughts. We guarantee to print your rebuttal. To submit an essay or letter to this office you are giving us full permission to publish in this publication. Anytime we publish your letter or article, you get a free copy.